The participant must be between 20 and 50 years old as of the start date of the Divalicious Mrs India Universe Beauty Contest.

• The participant should be a citizen or legal resident of India, or born in India.

• The participant must be a naturally born, genetically female individual.

• The participant should be in good physical and mental health, capable of fulfilling the professional responsibilities of a National Titleholder.

• The participant can be divorced, widowed, married, with or without children.

• The applicant understands and agrees that the eligibility to compete in the national pageant will be determined by the Mrs Universe Organization (Divalicious Group). The contestant must agree to abide by their determination, both for themselves and other applicants.

• I understand and agree that if I am selected as a contestant, all decisions concerning production, promotions, photographs, advertising, programs, media, social media, endorsements, testimonials, appearances, and all other aspects of the Mrs Universe Organization (Divalicious Group) will be solely at their discretion.

• The applicant agrees that if selected as a contestant to compete in the Divalicious Mrs India Universe, they will participate in the national pageant and, if selected as the National Titleholder, will compete at the International pageant. The contestant assumes all responsibility for payment of fees. Contestants agree to book reservations and stay at the host hotel during the dates of the Divalicious Mrs India Universe. The expenses for the regional round (travel and stay) will have to be borne by the participant.

• Good Character: The applicant must demonstrate good moral character. Neither the applicant nor her husband should have engaged in any activities that, if disclosed to the public, would bring themselves, the Mrs Universe Organization (Divalicious Group), employees, directors, agents, volunteers, staff, sponsors, or related companies into disrepute, ridicule, or contempt. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of illegal drugs, involvement in any other illegal behavior or activity, any felony conviction, probation, or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude.

• Appearance Approval: The titleholder agrees that the Mrs Universe Organization (Divalicious Group) must be informed of and approve all appearances.

• Contestants understand and agree that any misconduct, negative innuendos, or misrepresentation of themselves or other participants, through any form (oral, written, or by actions), will be grounds for disqualification. Providing incorrect information will result in disqualification, whether discovered prior to, during, or after participation.

• Contestants must be willing to unconditionally and forever release any claim against the Mrs Universe Organization (Divalicious Group), its parent and affiliated or related companies, and their respective officers, sponsors, directors, partners, volunteers, employees, agents, and assigns that they may have by virtue of their participation in the Divalicious Mrs India Universe, or by any use of their name, likeness, voice, and/or biography in connection with the Divalicious Mrs India Universe, including use in promotional and advertising material.

• Contestants should not be party to any written or verbal contract with any person, firm, business, Public Relations Firm, publicist, charity, or corporation in respect to any present or future titles they hold. Contestants should not have made any commitments for the future regarding any such titles.

• Crowns and sashes remain the property of the Mrs Universe Organization (Divalicious Group). Any contestant who breaches her contract must return all prizes, crown, and sash to the national office in the condition they were received.

• The organizers are not responsible for any loss or physical injury that may occur to the participant due to their participation in the event. The participant will participate at their own risk.

The contestant understands and agrees to authorize the Mrs Universe Organization (Divalicious Group) and those authorized by the Mrs Universe Organization (Divalicious Group) to research and verify the information provided on this application for this pageant, including personal and professional background, character, work history, awards, and qualifications.

• The contestant will not use their title to endorse, promote, or solicit any job, business, product, service, or company in any form, including but not limited to electronic, video, audio, seminars, and personal communication, without prior written consent from the Mrs Universe Organization (Divalicious Group).

• During their reign, all titleholders agree to be loyal to the Divalicious Mrs India Universe and give their time and energy to their pageant title only. Their main pageant-related priority will be their title, and they will not promote, verbally or in writing, any other pageant titles or pageant systems on any social media platforms.

• The contestant understands and agrees that they will not enter into any agreement employing any person, company, firm, association, or attorney as their agent, personal manager, publicist, or business manager, or in any other business capacity in connection with their activities as a Divalicious Mrs India Universe titleholder.

• The Mrs Universe Organization (Divalicious Group) may disclose any and all information provided by the contestant to any person for any purpose.

• Refunds: The contestant understands and agrees that in the event the Divalicious Mrs India Universe determines they are ineligible and not allowed to compete in the Divalicious Mrs India Universe pageant, they will not be entitled to any refund. Under no circumstances and for no reason shall they be entitled to a refund, in whole or in part, of any fees paid. All fees paid to the Mrs Universe Organization (Divalicious Group) are non-refundable and non-transferable, including entry fees, advertising fees, application fees, program book ads, pageant admission ticket sales fees, guest meal fees, extra event fees, crown and sash fees, special award fees, and any other fees paid to the Mrs Universe Organization (Divalicious Group) by anyone, including contestants, sponsors, family members, and advertisers. All fees paid to the pageant are non-refundable and non-transferable, in full or in part, under any circumstance.

• The Mrs Universe Organization (Divalicious Group) may disclose any and all information provided by the contestant to any person for any purpose.

• Winners are not allowed to participate in any other national beauty pageants without the permission of the organization. Failing to obtain permission will result in the removal of their crowns and titles.

• The Mrs Universe Organization (Divalicious Group) is hereby granted the exclusive right to use, distribute, and allow or license others to make use of and distribute the finalist/title holder/winner's name, portrait, and pictures in connection with the advertising and/or publicity of the winner/title holder in the fields and in connection with the matters covered by this agreement. All finalists/winners using event pictures need to obtain prior approval from the Mrs Universe Organization (Divalicious Group).

• The participant will not slander or libel other contestants, judges, or the pageant staff. Defamatory verbal and/or written remarks against the organizers or any pageant will result in immediate disqualification, forfeiture of any and all prizes and awards won, and may lead to legal charges.

• Any participant or their family member found publicly posting slanderous remarks on public forums, social networking sites, or any other public domain will be immediately disqualified, and legal action (defamation case) will be taken.

*The participant agrees not to make any defamatory statements against the organizer and their title on public platforms, including social media and public appearances. If the participant fails to comply, they will be liable to pay substantial damages for loss of reputation, equal to the revenue generated in the DIVALICIOUS MRS INDIA UNIVERSE Pageant.

• Disqualification / Title Relinquishment: If the participant is disqualified or voluntarily relinquishes any title awarded to them, all prizes must be returned in full and in the condition received. Failure to do so will require the delegate to pay the full cost of replacing all prizes for the next contestant.

• The decision of the judges is final.

• The courts of Delhi have jurisdiction over all disputes.

• For further information or clarification, please contact: